Safety Around Wood-Chippers Part One
We use chipper machines to cut tree limbs into smaller pieces of wood. This is just a process that’s sort of the industry standard when it comes to tree care. The equipment is operated by one or two people on site. We like to have someone watching another tree worker and those around the machine.
If you’ve seen what a chipper does to large pieces of wood, you’d also want to practice some form of caution. One of the first things we do is make sure all of the members on our team are setup with the right safety equipment. Since the chipper cuts the wood at such a high velocity, many of a flies backward right into the path of the person operating the chipper. For this reason, safety glasses are worn.
If the pieces are large enough, they can also cause blunt force trauma. Something that happens in car accidents. This is a serious injury so we encourage very precise, careful insertion of smaller materials to get the job done safely.